Tuesday 28 February 2012


Arbo-Architecture as Inspiration

Brainstorming on the experience that I wanted to create, and the aspect of learning, I thought that the topic of architecture, whilst inside an architectural sculpture seemed fitting.  In my mind the theme of sustainability in building design was hard to kick, yet I didn't want obvious learning, for the folie to become some kind of workshop.  I thought if I could make people think about their experience, and begin to question why things are the way they are, then they would've experienced something - and taken it with them in their minds.

I also wanted a reason for visitors to return, and I figure for this - there needs to be a change within the folie, a reason to return.  So the folie must provoke thought through experience, and change or develop over time.

In regard to development of the building, I thought why not grow it?  If some kind of a frame could be installed, and plants grown around the frame to create walls, hallways, roofing or whatever was possible.  Possibly even plants that bear fruit to be picked and taken by the visitors?

After thinking about this I researched the topic and discovered something called "Arbo-Architecture" - a type of architecture being developed by three young architects German architect;s Oliver Storz, Ferdinand Ludwig and Hannes Schwertfeger Germany.  Basically tree's are grown, supported and shaped by scaffolding originally, until they have developed into the desired shape, then the scaffolding is removed.  The results are impressive, but more research needs to be done in regard to the time involved in the growth of the structure etc.


Sharma, Desh Raj. 2009. "Arbo-architecture: German trio pioneers living treehouses." Accessed March 6, 2012 http://www.greendiary.com/entry/arbo-architecture-german-trio-pioneers-living-treehouses/

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